e4ethics is the platform designed in 2011 by the European Federation of Pharmaceuticals Industries and Associations (EFPIA) to review the compliance of Third-Party Organised Educational Events (TPOEs) in the pharmaceutical industry with the provisions of the EFPIA Code of Practice. Through e4ethics EFPIA ensures that pan-European events are organised with respect to the rules and procedures outlined in the Code. The assessment of TPOEs are conducted by a unique team of Compliance Officers reviewing 6 criteria that are determinant to guaranty a proper educational environment to the Healthcare Professionals attending that event. Managed by EFPIA until 31 December 2020, the e4ethics platform is hosted and managed under EthicalMedTech as of 1 January 2021.
EthicalMedTech is the compliance portal of MedTech Europe. It features all compliance initiatives carried by the association. e4ethics has been integrated to that platform to respond to a request of EFPIA to outsource and centralise the assessment processes of both industries.
This integration results from a desire of both EFPIA and MedTech Europe to ensure consistency and harmonisation across the healthcare industry for the benefit of all stakeholders involved. Both associations agreed that having a unique approach and decision mechanism would bring industry members and National Associations, Healthcare Organisations and Professional Conference Organisers consistency in the way TPOEs are assessed and streamline how industry can support these events.
We are pleased to inform you that the 7th World Congress of Pediatric Surgery (WOFAPS) was recognized as:
Compliant with the MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice.
This decision will now be posted on www.ethicalmedtech.eu.